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"The ground beneath us is spinning... & I can feel it."
Doctor Who is one of the most beloved & long-lived shows not b/c of who the Doctor is, the terrible threats he overcomes, amazing worlds he visits, or fascinating aliens we meet during his adventures. Rather, The Doctor reminds us how excellent we are when aspiring to greatness; how noble, when calling upon empathy; how brilliant, when succumbing to wonder: the Doctor sees this in humanity & fights to defend it. His every regeneration speaks to innate desires of renewal, to leave old pain behind; each new face a chance @ new beginnings, tho' losing none of the wisdom gained by trial. Ultimately, Doctor Who is a celebration of all things hoped for, that even amongst the darkest dreams realized there IS a light that shines brighter & shows the way to the other side. It shines brightly in every person, & the Doctor calls upon it. Fans know this, newcomers learn it. Of course, it is cool to see him kick a little Dalek butt too...